So! As you all know I don't update very often while I have Jobs going on. I have one in particular that is somewhat of a heavy deadline. Which has of course delayed SwingersSSDC 4. No worries I have done 75% of the voicework AND I've started animating. But I do have three paid projects coming down the pipe so it's a slow process. Honestly, I never quite expected Y'all to enjoy SSSDC as much as you have, had I have had more confidence in it I would have gotten ahead in episodes and set up a schedule before even posting the first one.... Hindsight 2020 I suppose. Anywho! You shall have #4 in summer, I expect. Thanks fer yer patience.
For those of you Inquiring about Miss Kitty being in any more Animations, I do have Ideas... weird ideas but ideas none the less. But really I plan for her to be in a prequel for Brother Swan as a comic.
On another subject I'd just like to let y'all know that whenever I have an update here on the site I also put the same on my youtube account here I tell you this because the quality is always better there (and I can't actually link in the newgrounds submissions as they always divy up links with spaces for some reason I have yet to discover... I'm sure it's a good one....) Journals you can link in though.... odd.
Wow, Brother Swan looks compelling. You're not the only artist who thinks were all going to be forceably medicated to ensure 'public tranquility', not that it diminishes your work in any way.....
If you click your accounts button, they have a new thing to add tons of links in the right :3
Generally I try to treat that stuff with a light hand.... I hope I shall succeed
Oooo... Still getting used to all the new faffery.